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FAQ - Southern Taiwan Science Park - Southern Taiwan Science Park


Tainan Science Park

2-9.What type of environmental protection facilities are located at Tainan Science Park?
The Environmental protection facilities at Tainan Science Park, at present, are:
  • The Wastewater Treatment Plant
    The rainwater and wastewater collection system of Tainan Science Park consists of separately managed drainage systems. Rainwater collected from the Park is directly discharged to a rainwater collection pipeline and then to detention ponds before it is run through Dazhou Drainage to the Yanshui Brook; industrial waste water (including household water inside the Park) is collected and discharged to the Science Park’s Wastewater Treatment Plant for treatment to meet standard discharge requirements before going to the receiving water body (Yanshui River). Meanwhile, in order to ensure normal operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, inspection requirements including pretreatment must be applied to the waste water of plants before being discharged to the waste drainage system.
  • Resource Recycling Center at Tainan Science Park
    The Resource Recycling Center is a multifunctional handling facility for hazardous and general industrial waste. It includes incineration, physical treatment, solidification, and reclamation functions. Waste includes solid waste from Park enterprises, organic solvents, and organic waste. Through the operation of the Resource Recycling Center, the industrial waste of Park enterprises is properly and legally cleaned and handled.
  • Related environmental monitoring facilities
    The STSPB is also in charge of environmental monitoring and effective air quality control, discharge water quality, noise pollution control, and discharge of pollution sources as well as monitoring and ensuring that nearby air quality, discharge water quality, and noise values meet EPA standards. In addition to the establishment of 4 air quality stations for automatic and continuous monitoring, two stations for continuous monitoring of total sulfur, one monitoring station for ground water and 51 underground water quality control wells have also been built.
2-10. How should I report and contact in case of malfunctioning traffic signals, fire hydrants, streetlights, and water pipes within Tainan Park?
  • The application should be filed according to “ Points Governing the Management of Public Road Work Construction and Pipeline Work of Southern Taiwan Science Park.”
  • For the maintenance of public facilities such as malfunctioning traffic signals, fire hydrants, streetlights, and water pipes within Tainan Science Park, STSPB has outsourced maintenance manufacturers who have staff on duty 24 hours. Upon receiving reports of issues, our personnel will be dispatched to the site for inspection and handling. The reporting hotlines are as follows: Streetlight Reporting: 06-5056376, Traffic Signal Reporting: 0978-653-377, Water and Fire Hydrant Reporting: 06-5051112. To expedite the resolution of streetlight and signal malfunctions, STSPB has affixed hotline stickers on the control boxes of Tainan Science Park's streetlights and traffic signals, facilitating easy access for reporting.

Kaohsiung Science Park

3-1.What are the directions to Kaohsiung Science Park?
Directions to STSP’s Kaohsiung Science Park :
  • By car
    • National Highways- Southbound
      • Take National Highway No. 1(southbound) to the Interchange of Kaohsiung Science Park (342 K) and use the designated access road to directly arrive at Kaohsiung Science Park.
      • Take National Highway No. 3 (southbound) to the Guanmiao Interchange (356 K), drive on Taiwan No.86 Express Way, via the Rende System Interchange of National Highway No. 1, and head for the Interchange of Kaohsiung Science Park (342 K). Use the designated access road to directly arrive at Kaohsiung Science Park.
    • National Highway- Northbound
      • Take National Highway No.1 to the Interchange of Kaohsiung Science Park (342 K) and use the designated access road to directly arrive at Kaohsiung Science Park.
      • ake National Highway No. 3 to the Yen Chao System Interchange (383 K), drive on National Highway No. 10, and head north to the Interchange of Kaohsiung Science Park (342K) through the Din Jin System Interchange. Use the designated access road to directly arrive at Kaohsiung Science Park.
    • Provincial Highway No. 1- Southbound
      • Drive from Lujhu to Hunei District and drive southbound on Provincial Highway No. 1. Turn right after arriving at Luke 10th Rd. to enter the west side of KSP; drive to Beiling 6th Rd. to turn left into the east side of KSP.
      • II. Drive from Qieding District to Lujhu District; drive southbound on Provincial Highway No. 17 and turn left on the intersection of Baoning Rd. to connect to Shunan Rd. and turn right to arrive at the Kaohsiung Science Park.
    • Provincial Highway No. 1- Northbound
      • Head for Lujhu from Yongan District and drive northbound on Provincial Highway No. 17 to the intersection of Baoxing 2nd Rd. Turn left to Luke 9th Rd. to arrive at the Kaohsiung Science Park.
      • Drive from Gangshan to Lujhu District. Drive northbound on Provincial Highway No. 1 to Luke 1st Rd. and turn left to arrive at the Kaohsiung Science Park; drive to Beiling 2nd Rd. to arrive at the east side of KSP.
  • Mass Transportation (Taiwan Railways, Kaohsiung City Buses, and Public Bikes)
    • At Taiwan Railway’s Lujhu Train Station
      • (Exit Lujhu Train Station and go straight to make a right turn to Zhongzheng Rd. to wait for STSP shuttle bus-KSP Line to go to KSP; shuttle buses only travel at peak hours in the morning and afternoon. For returning journey, please wait for shuttle buses at the opposite station where you disembark earlier to go back to Taiwan Railways Lujhu Train Station.
      • Visitors can also take a taxi to KSP.
    • At Taiwan Railway’s Gangshan Train Station
      • Visitors disembarking at Gangshan Train Station are recommended to ride on Gangdu Bus Line Red 71A, Red 71B1, Red 71B2, Red 71D, Red 73, Red 73C or and Kaohsiung Bus Line 8041C, 8046A, 8046B, Red 67B to get off at Kao Yuan University and turn left to arrive at the “Intersection Stop” to arrive at Luke 10th Rd. of the Kaohsiung Science Park, while Red 67A stops at the “Intersection Stop,” the “Telecommunication Technology Center Stop,” and the “KSP Stop” on Luke 8th Rd. of KSP.
      • Visitors disembarking at Lujhu Train Station are recommended to take a taxi to arrive at the Kaohsiung Science Park (about ten minutes).
    • Please refer to relevant links below:
  • THSR Tainan Station
    • By Taiwan Railways: Take the Shalun Branch Line of Taiwan Railways to Zhongzhou Train Station and transit to Lujhu Train Station. Then take a taxi or shuttle bus to KSP.
    • By taxi: Take a taxi to KSP.
    • Relevant link:
For detailed traffic information, please go to the The STSP website:Get to Know the Park/KSP .
Maintenance : Evaluation Section
Last Modified Time :2024-06-01 00:00:47