
Page 12 - 106年報英文版
P. 12

Transformative Innovation

          Startups Area and Services

          As of the end of 2017, the STSP has advised 112 startup
          teams, 21 of whom were awarded with startup funds worth
          NTD 2 million, 57 were formally established, nine joined
          the science industry, eight entered the incubator center, 20
          were subsidized with various governmental grants, and 24
          increased their capital gains.

                                                        ▌“Meeting with Industrial Gurus”- CEO of ARCO Biomedical Co., Ltd., Hsieh Dar-Jen (June 5, 2017)
          Experience Learning and Sharing from
          Outstanding Entrepreneurs

          In 2017, there were four “Meeting with Industrial Gurus”
          exchange events where presidents, CEOs, and general
          managers of prominent Taiwanese firms were invited to
          share their business building experiences and keys to
          success. The STSP welcomes industrial leaders and
          startup teams to share their insights with us at the STSP
          Startup Workshop.

          The STSP Links with Innovative Startup Resources  ▌Commencement Ceremony of the STSP Innovation Super Highway (August 11, 2017)
          Assisting Startups to Realize Their Dreams

          The 2017 “STSP Innovation Oriented Startup Industrial
          Link Program” successfully introduced two startup funds
          and on August 11, seven startup teams were matched
          with four leading enterprises in Southern Taiwan.
          Additionally, three startups were assisted in developing
          dream prototypes to enhance innovative startup services
          in Southern Taiwan.

          MakerSpace at the STSP Building Maker Space   ▌Commencement Ceremony of the “ITRT Innovation Association and Quanying Fund” (August 11, 2017)

          The STSP’s Maker Space in 2017 was operated by Far East
          University with gradually increasing operational performance.
          There were 68 entry-level classes (314 persons enrolled) and
          15 advanced level classes (377 persons enrolled) in hands-on
          innovation, and relevant results were shared with countries in
          Southeast Asia. In December, 2017 the phased objectives were

                                                               ▌Hand-made Leather Note Book (May 6, 2017)

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